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    Financial Sector

    Financial activities control system is coming through significant alterations that are quite determined by globalization processes. In one way or other, these alterations affect all companies, while the key position is taken by an enterprise’s possibility to adapt to innovations. At the same moment it is crucial not to put out of account numerous requirements to activity’s transparency. These tasks can be rather complicated for some firms due to the fact that occasionally changes in regulations happen in the shortest terms, so not everybody has enough time to study out revised directives.


    Investment Field

    The credit market has been experiencing certain complexities recently, which in its turn caused decreasing of investment transactions volumes. That downswing was documented in many European regions and unfortunately Russia did not prove to be an exception. However, the situation is gradually normalizing, while completed transactions volumes are approaching prior levels. Many experts are quite confident that there will be a dramatic activity growth in the investment field in the nearest future.



    In case you strive to develop your business in the sphere of communications services or you wish to raise your enterprise's market shares, the specialists of IICC LLC will surely assist you. We have already got a number of off-the-shelf solutions for many spheres connected with activities of mobile, satellite and cable communications operators and Internet access providers. Nevertheless, we constantly develop completely new ways of objectives fulfillments.


    Transport and Logistics

    The IICC LLC has a broad base of time-tested business partners abroad, which helps us to work in a confident way and to provide high-quality services to our clients. We exchange experience with the colleagues and timely adapt certain aspects for legislative and external-economic standards innovations.


    Real Property Assets

    During many years our organization has been collaborating with clients in Russia and abroad, successfully dealing with problems of real property assets sphere. That let our specialists gain support from the leading investors and construction firms.


    Elecrtic Utility Industry, Fuel & Energy Complex

    Corraborating with power enterprises, IICC LLC makes good use of its own creative solutions that come from the deep analysis of a company’s basic needs. By providing assistance to our ordering companies in adapting to financial, household and market changes we help our clients to derive maximum benefits.

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