The speech of the President of "Inter-Industrial Consulting Company", Igor Khaustova during the meeting of Banking section of the 12th International Forum "Ferrous and non-ferrous metals".
In order to have a perfect understanding of the problems of today, we must maintain a certain distance for a comprehensive look at them. The money and their accumulation cannot be the ultimate goal of labor. The aim of work is to secure the life of the population, to create and support a strong economy and, at last, to ensure the country's future and state sovereignty.
The time of the free market of Adam Smith and the labor surplus of Karl Marx has gone far away.Long time ago the market has ceased to be free, and the creation of surplus value no longer not associated to labor. Therefore, we propose a financial strategy and tactics of the branch ,based on the current situation and a clear understanding of what we have to do.
Our proposed financial strategy is the following: in the economic war of today - war of industrial and banking capital, industrial capital has learned to unite and defend their positions. And only such an union, in our opinion, will gather industrialists and bankers at a round table.
The current financial task of today, which defines today's tactics - is the stabilization of the system of valuation along the production.
We are open for discussion and invite all interested parties to a dialogue and collaboration. For business leaders, we offer a study based on a short course of modern political economy, allowing them to more deeply understand the causes and consequences of the current economic processes.