Leaden Clouds over Russian Plants. Or how Americans conquer the world and Russia
They assure us that Russia cannot produce anything, that it will not pull through without oil exports. We are sincerely concerned about our falling oil market and at the same time we honestly outrage the raising gasoline prices. What is more, we do not understand how falling and increasing can be happening simultaneously.
Rusmet is of the opinion that things are not what they seem. The American dollar is the tool for taking plant assets under the US control. A full scale war is on, no holds barred. How is it happening?
There is the illustrative example of one of American companies, whose name can be easily discovered as the enterprise is the unquestioned leader in battery production. The company has already achieved the dominant position in most countries. Now it is the turn of Russia. There are lead plants, and there are battery manufacturers, 70% of whose prime costs lie in prices for lead. But who do you place stake on, if the market needs to be taken over? One party should be supported by means of prices and purchasing in order to drive the other party to bankruptcy. Then you can buy the impaired assets, and subsequently those who are still present on the market will be defeated. Today the stake is on the lead suppliers. Prices are rising so fast that Russian plants cannot keep up with them, while the soaring dollar rate is making the situation worse. They are not able to buy lead at the price of London metal exchange and they find themselves on the edge of shutting down. The plants somehow managed to survive in prior years with the fifty-percent process utilization. However, they cannot resist the global system. Any company longs for becoming a monopoly. The system lies in the fact that the Americans’ plans, supported by financial speculators, are coming true. As a result, raw materials should be cheap outside and expensive within the defeated country.
Other examples are not far to seek. Russian plants yielded up the market of special steel without striking a blow. The reason is that they have to purchase nickel at the price of London metal exchange plus NDS (goods and services tax). In the end, more than 80% of our market belongs to foreign suppliers.
Modern economy consists of international corporations that know no limits. This is the world division of labour market. This is the way how western countries bemuse our heads, noting that every state shall take its place in the global production chain. They make sure to jabber about equality and freedom, and that everybody has the right, just like them, for democracy and high living standard.
Consumption in such civilized countries is ten times greater than the Earth could subsist, if all people on the planet had the same quality of life. That means the word “civilized” must be written in quotes. It turned out none of them are ready to share a sandwich with a neighbor, unless it is several days old.
China was turned into a dirty nature-destroying workshop for the rest of the world. Those who visited the Celestial Empire know – travelling across the country is a pure joy for your eyes: amazing roads, fantastic mountain scenes, beautiful clouds. But then, all of a sudden, the picture dramatically changes to apocalypse: smog, ditches, bottomless trenches, gigantic rubbish dumps, biting disgusting smells. All these things mean that you are passing one of numerous Chinese production centers. Shanghai has got skyscrapers, while the Chinese population remains as poor and miserable as before with an average worker’s salary of 200 dollars per month and city real estate prices of 5000 dollars per meter.
The developed countries have started to implement the principles of “green economy” with recycling as an integral part for the whole production system. But if there is a chance to get cheap raw materials from another country, why not take it?
They intend to turn Russia into a cheap harlot on the side of the road, who offers herself to anyone possessing the money. According to this logic, the harlot must be ignorant and foolish. The meaning of any activity has been simmered down to the principle “to sell out in a fancier way, to buy less pricey”. In fact, valuable natural resources are sold for a mere sold, while second-rate things are cost a fortune and are bought on credit. Thereby, we have come to the volume of all Russian debts being equal to GDP, the main sectors are more than half import-based, and our export basis is raw materials and semi-finished goods.
It is time to leave the side of the road in order to initiate the real import substitution processes. It is time to remember our own family and garden. To see to our own household and forget the foreign market economy, whose prices are set by the USA. That household should have everything that is necessary for life, and not what is advantageous for “civilized” countries. They wish to consume in bigger volumes and to keep breathing fresh air. So why should we pollute our air and for a trifling sum give away the gift, which was awarded to us by nature itself? For what should we misspend those things that were saved by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers?
Russia consumes less than 1/3 of the produced oil amount. It is necessary to establish the prices to sell oil and other natural resources that will be suitable for Russia. Let us imagine we establish the price of 100 dollars (or any other figure, 100 is just an example). This is the fixed price for the period till the end of 2016. Even when market prices greatly exceed 100 dollars, Russia will firmly follow its course, supporting international partners. Only speculators will win on price movements. This is the change of blind paradigm of the speculative market into the paradigm of stability.
America has taken upon itself the role of the world gendarme. Any uncertainty is profitable to it, as it leads to bigger earnings. Uncertainty brings about wars. The opportunity to interfere “for the sake of democracy” appears.
Russia is the richest country on our planet. Richness means people, land, natural resources. In the periods of international anti-Russian sanctions it is time to think about Russia’s role in international economics. In the course of world economic meltdowns Russia must be the warrantor of stability, establishing and keeping fixed prices for its natural resources. In case raw materials are not sold, it is necessary not to sell them but to put aside for a while into prepared warehouses and repositories. In such a way, the world natural resources reserve foundation will be created.
In the perspective of import substitution in Russia there must be a simple principle applied for all mineral companies: you will be able to supply to export market as much, as you have supplied to the domestic market, otherwise protective duties will be applied. Such measures will create some real protection for Russian manufacturers.
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