The 11th International forum “Ferrous and Non-ferrous Scrap Metals 2015”
Russian industry needs the principles of “green economy” to by introduced. Recycling should become a part of production chain. We cannot waste human and natural resources anymore. This was a key issue of the 11th International forum “Ferrous and Non-ferrous Scrap Metals 2015” which took part on 19-20 February 2015 in Moscow, Russia. The event was attended by more than 400 representatives of scrap metals recycling business, scrap recycling equipment suppliers, metallurgical plants, industrial associations, experts, and officials.
The organizers of the forum are and the “National self regulating organization of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap and wastes processors and vehicle recyclers” (RUSLOM.COM).
In developed countries the consumption is 10 times as much as the Earth can give if all people had such standard of living. As early as in next 10 years we will face the deficit of all kinds of natural resources, which will grow yearly. That is why the global economy pushed Russia into the “raw materials way” where precious resources are being sold at dumping prices. To avoid this, Russian business community demands from the State Duma of Russian federation sooner acceptance of the laws about natural resources and secondary metals turnover.
It was interesting to learn the opinion of overseas experts about the problem. Representatives of Belgium UK, Germany, Iran, Italy, Moldova, USA, Finland, Sweden, and Japan have given their presentations.
The First Deputy Director of the State Committee for Natural Resources (GKZ) Mr Artur Rastrogin has given a speech on the primary and secondary resources markets regulation. New approach to the resources regulation and control is needed, when resources control is strongly connected to the scrap recycling sector.
The Forum moderator Mr Victor Kovshevny the geological service of the USA (USGS) annually publishes mineral resources monitoring data. For each metal scrap market situation is studied. Ferrous and non-ferrous scrap as well as e-scrap and ELV recycling is a substantial sources of raw materials for the industry.
It is hardly possible to do this work in one day. We should start from studying secondary aluminum, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, nickel, stannum, and tungsten markets trends and then turn to such metals as mercury. Today mercury scrap is being thrown away and poisons environment.
The forum included the round table dedicated to a new law about scrap. The biggest Russian scrap recyclers, the members of the Non-commercial partnership “National self regulating organization of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap and wastes processors and vehicle recyclers” (RUSLOM.COM) have expressed their points of view.
Scrap export from Russia is a question that is important as for Russian scrap recyclers as for their colleagues from overseas. Today scrap metals exports make 3.5 million tons a year and cannot affect pricing in the market where annual scrap metals consumption is 45 million ton. TA the same time the exporters represent a rather big group of the market participants with annual income of about USD 900 million, qualified personnel, and 20-year experience. Besides, export stabilizes prices and demand /supply volumes in domestic market.
The participants of the discussion have come to the conclusion that the ban or restriction of scrap metals export will decrease scrap price in domestic market which will affect scrap collecting volumes. The drop of scrap collecting volumes will affect steel production, i.e. the result will be just the opposite to what was intended.
On the second day of the Forum the members of RUSLOM.COM discussed the development of ELV recycling industry in Russia. The discussion resulted in the letter to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.
In parallel with the main program of the Forum the special meeting and negotiations session was held in the “Seven Sisters” restaurant. About 270 representatives of scrap recycling business have arrived specially to the negotiations session.
We would be glad to see our regular participants and new companies at the 12th International forum “Ferrous and Non-ferrous Scrap Metals 2016” on 18-19 February next year!
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