All Russian Forum « Accounting, Finances, and law on the Scrap market» took place in Moscow, Russia

In the context of modern
economy specialists of all business spheres must be able to respond to changes
in legal system timely. The globalization has influence with all economic
sectors, meanwhile various innovations keep appearing, and they should be studied
and worked with. All Russian Forum «Accounting, Finance and Law on
Scrap market» gathered experts of the accounting
activity’s support, economists and research associates to discuss a number of
topical issues. The representatives of more than 500 companies had a chance to
listen to the leading specialists’ reports and to take part in negotiations.
The event was organized by the business portal
RUSMET.COM and “National Self-Regulating Organization of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous
Scrap and Wastes Processors and Vehicle Recyclers” (RUSLOM.COM). Experience of
such forums’ organization contributed to arrange the meeting at the highest
level and let the participants be concentrated on working process only.
Financial activity management is a complicated system,
which is directly interdependent with the globalization. Amendments of laws (of
international ones, as well) demand a well-timed reaction of specialists, and
at the same time it is important to remember about such things as company’s
activity’s transparency requests. Nowadays many experts bring into focus an
importance of international standards of accounting adherence, as far as this
approach ensures a company’s entrance to the international market.
Within the framework of
the forum a question of Russian business operations was opened many times.
Oftentimes the rules of compilation and further accounting records maintenance
are not kept properly, which is no doubt does not encourage a sphere’s
consistent development. The forum’s participants from Belgium, France, Germany
and a number of Scandinavian and Asian countries presented their own vision of
that issue. The broad geography of the middle and major companies’
representatives gave an opportunity to create a general view and to point out
some aspects that had not been considered properly before.
Leading specialists
dramatized the importance of following the most topical international standards
and providing fair estimation. It is also essential to take into consideration
the fact that business accounting in Russia has got a number of peculiarities.
Thus, experts from Europe stated that many companies that are interested in
investments in Russian enterprises’ quite often face difficulties in the sphere
of accounting. The point is that for a long time the accounting in Russia has
not been aimed at letting the investor clarify the company’s financial state.
This situation has changed, and now steps towards clarification and
transparency, which are aims for western companies, are being taken.
A weighty part of the forum
was the round table with the reorganization of business accounting in Russia as
a main topic. Research associates and experts in that sphere discussed the main
tasks of the reform and possible relevant difficulties. The reconcilement of
Russian accounting regulations with international financial accountancy, of
course, is one of the critical factors, determining the whole business
development in the country. This problem is being dealt with at the state
level, which is a guarantee of the most serious intentions.
A great many of Russian
experts paid special attention of their foreign colleagues to the fact that the
greater transparency is a top-priority goal, however, at the same time the
country does not want to leave its own unified, elaborated business accounting
plan. Nevertheless, a compromise can be found and it will be found, as long as
all parties are interested in it.
After all the events were completed, some important
conclusions regarding the accounting system's condition were made. The organizers
noted that progress is definitely present; however, there is still a lot of
work to be done. Nevertheless, the forum's participants are sure that the
accounting system in Russia is about to experience dramatic changes in the
nearest future, because they are necessary to enter the international arena. A
part of Russian companies work according to the standards accepted worldwide,
but this is just a minor part for the moment.
Research associates
esteem that pulling attention of foreign investors is the right way to enter
international markets, but in order to work with such investors, the present
day accounting system shall be renovated. This issue is being worked on,
however, we must understand that this process requires time, and it might need
quite a long period.
All Russian Forum «Accounting, Finance and Law on
Scrap market» proved
to be traditionally efficient and challenging for the participants. An event
which is at least equal to the current forum is planned for the next year, so
RUSMET.COM and RUSLOM.COM are pleased to invite permanent members and new
companies! See you in 2016!