IICC LLC presents a complex of services to legal parties and individuals: consulting service, accounting services, audit services, work with financial investigations, and cooperation within entering international capital markets.
Professional business support from experienced specialists of IICC LLC will help your enterprise to carry on business efficiently, to stay secure and to pursue issues of development and growth, once entrusted legal questions to us.
We work to screen you from problems connected with the world of law, and by that we help along to make your business more profitable. Our MISSION is to raise the status of your business and its value. We bring to notice "gray" areas well-timed and secure you from possible problems, identify and minimize legal risks, protect from contracts' illegal actions and to help in communication with controlling agencies.
In order to achieve our clients' goals we offer a complex approach. It includes legal consulting, legal audit and accounting services. Also we are ready to take upon ourselves work with private capitals of individuals, to represent clients' interests in state authorities, ensure legal representation, media and public relations.
IICC LLC provides the following services:
• various legal issues consulting;
• accounting and legal support of a company, including contract management, corporate relations, labour disputes;
• due diligence and transaction support, including state and municipal contracts, real estate transactions;
• protection of a company's interests and its officials during authorized inspections, including taxation authorities, anti-monopoly authorities, law enforcement authorities;
• representation of interests and protection of various legal controversies categories.
"Nowadays legal services are highly demanded by both individuals and legal parties. Our company has a rich experience in working with clients in the sphere of real estate, transport, investment, energy, commercial manufacture, construction, IT technologies, trade and many others. Providing legal services to our clients, we are guided by such fundamentals as an individual approach, confidentiality, solving problems with regard to peculiarities of certain businesses and spheres where this business is functioning. We truly appreciate your trust and reputation, helping your business to grow and develop!"
Igor Khaustov
President Inter-Industrial
Consulting Company LLC
Any close-knit community needs to have some values in order to achieve their target goals successfully. We are proud to state that we were able to work out an array of principles which determine and shape our work style. Mutual respect, group spirit, self-improvement and determination are of paramount importance.
DetailsModern world changes rapidly and unstoppably, which is caused by the globalization. World trade's volumes keep growing every single year, while countries that are far away from each other become closely connected due to collaborative projects in the spheres of technologies, investments, planning and many other fields. The volumes of informational flows between continents increase consequently. Brand new ideas become more valuable than ever before.
DetailsGlobalization processes affect all spheres of people’s lives. With the constant development of modern technology and the growing competition, it is professionals who will always remain the most valuable resource, as without them no business will go forward. Our company successfully adapts to the changes of market, gaining the international experience, which is especially valuable in the conditions of globalization.